Information Sheets
Assisting growers and practitioners with new or unusual pest situations
Examples of Information Sheets which remain relevant to this day:
- Nesidiocoris tenuis biology and identification (AHDB 03/17). Read more (PDF) »
- A robust IPM programme for Tuta absoluta (02/14)
- Southern Green Shieldbug (HDC 36/12)
- An introduction to hyperparasitism (HDC 27/12)
- Russet mite (HDC 21/10)
- A robust IPM programme for organic tomato (HDC 14/10)
- Tomato leafminers (HDC 03/10)
- Boosting biocontrols within IPM programmes (02/10)
- Optimising the use of abamectin in cucumber and tomato IPM programmes (HDC 18/00)
- Early season control of tomato leafminer (HDC 08/00)
- Spider mite damage to tomato (HRI 1999)
- Capsid bugs in protected crops (HDC 37/96)